
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

español I: el 8/10 al 12/10

lunes- Review subject pronouns.  Subject pronouns worksheets/practice. CP p. 5, act 1 only.

martes- Finish anything not finished yesterday.  Fill out critical vocab sheet with some definitions.  Focus on definitions of "infinitive" and "conjugate." Introduce the verb "ser."

miércoles- Class does not meet. MEAP

jueves- Review "ser" & practice. Book activities.  Study/practice nouns for quiz tomorrow.  TAREA: study for quiz on nouns/"sustantivos" from p. 38

viernes- QUIZ on nouns from p. 38.  Question/Interrogative words with "ser."

** This is my best understanding of the MEAP schedule for this week ;)!  If my understanding changes, I will be sure to update/change plans accordingly! Thanks!

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