
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

español I: el 15/10 al 19/10

lunes- Review pronouns, ser, question words & possession.  Using question words & possession.  CP p. 6. Intro telling time using "ser."

martes- Class does not meet.  MEAP.

miércoles- Computer lab to work on telling time activities.

jueves- More practice with telling time. Cuaderno de actividades (CA) listening worksheet, p. 92. CP work p.7

viernes- Unit 1 review, p.p. 28/29 (turn in as HW grade) TAREA: finish review, if not finished, and study chapter vocabulary/concepts for test next week(probably middle of the week somewhere).

** Plans may be altered as needed.

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