
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

español I: country projects

We will be in the computer lab through the end of this week and next week; use your time wisely.  I have created a Google Doc, that anyone can edit, so you can collaborate with your classmates while you're researching.  This way, if you find a website that you find really useful and authentic, you can share it with your classmates.  I will pay you 100 pesos if you post an original link!  I have still left some of the posts from last year, in the hopes that some of them might be useful to you.  You can use the link to the Google Doc below, or the link under the español I tab to the right.  Happy researching!
Google Doc Link

grado 8: el 29/10 al 2/11

lunes- Book activities & study vocab. TAREA: study for vocab quiz tomorrow

martes- Vocab quiz.  Notes on the gender of adjectives.  Start CMP.

miércoles- Finish CMP.  Learn about "la llorona."

jueves- Learn about Día de los muertos.  **Don't forget to bring something to share for the fiesta

viernes- FIESTA

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 29/10 al 2/11

lunes- Quiz on numbers 0-15.  Numbers worksheet.  Practice numbers & alphabet.

martes- Battleship w/numbers & letters.  Ball toss.

miércoles- Money & shopping.

jueves- Learn about Día de los muertos. **Don't forget to bring something to share for the fiesta tomorrow!

viernes- FIESTA for 2nd hour.  More numbers/letters practice for 7th hour.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 29/10 al 2/11

lunes- Reading/Book activities.  Turn in as hw grade.

martes- Book/reading activities due.  Introduce countries project & see examples.

miércoles- Learn about "la llorona" & start researching for project.

jueves- Computer lab.  TAREA: read article on Día de los muertos for Monday.

viernes- Computer lab. 

**We will be in the computer lab for most of next week.  Plan on being productive!
***Plans may be altered as needed.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

español I: número de teléfono

Llama al (616) 606-3181 para grabar el examen oral, antes de las 12am del 30/10.

grado 7: números

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

español I: Test date changed

Unit 1 test has been moved to FRIDAY!

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

grado 8: el 22/10 al 26/10

lunes- Unit 1-1 TEST.

martes- Go over chapter goals & intro vocab from chapter 1-2. p.53 #s 4 & 5.

miercoles-Gender of nouns & articles. Definite & indefinite articles. Worksheets & notes.

jueves- p. 55 & CMP worksheet(entered as HW grade)

viernes- More practice describing people. Using adjectives to describe gender. TAREA: study for a vocab quiz on appearance, features & personality Tuesday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 22/10 al 26/10

lunes- More practice with the alphabet & alphabet song.  Spelling names. TAREA: spell your name at the door tomorrow

martes- Alphabet song. Asking how to spell a name. Speaking activities. TAREA: home alphabet speaking practice due Friday

miercoles- Alphabet song.  Intro numbers.

jueves- Numbers practice.

viernes- Alphabet home practice due. Numbers practice. Asking for a phone number. TAREA: study for quiz on numbers 0-15 Monday

**Plans may be edited as needed.

espanol I: el 22/10 al 26/10

lunes- Check chapter review hw.  Review for test.

martes- Review for test.

miercoles- Review/practice for test.

jueves- Unit 1 TEST.***MOVED TO FRIDAY***

viernes- Intro country project.***EXAMEN*** Country project info moved to Monday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

grado 8: el 15/10 al 19/10

lunes- Review saying what people like to do.  CP p. 16. Speaking activity.

martes- Meet in afternoon. How to say I live in or he/she lives in. Notes. Chapter review.  TAREA: study for quiz on "ser" Thursday.

miércoles- Class does not meet. MEAP.

jueves- QUIZ on "ser." Practice writing descriptions about people.

viernes- More practice writing/describing.  Review for test.  TAREA:  study for test.  We are probably looking at testing unit 1-1 on Monday.

**Plans may be altered as necessary.

grado 7: el 15/10 al 19/10

lunes- Change writing from last week (about what was in our classroom) to using all indefinite articles.   Reveiw gender & number of nouns & articles.  Practice speaking/writing about a photo.  TAREA: study for test Thursday.

martes- Review for test.  Vocab review. TAREA: study for test Thursday.

miércoles- Class does not meet. MEAP.

jueves- TEST on Unit 3: la sala de clase

viernes- Intro Unit 4: el alfabeto y los números. Sing alphabet song.

**Plans may be altered as necessary.

español I: el 15/10 al 19/10

lunes- Review pronouns, ser, question words & possession.  Using question words & possession.  CP p. 6. Intro telling time using "ser."

martes- Class does not meet.  MEAP.

miércoles- Computer lab to work on telling time activities.

jueves- More practice with telling time. Cuaderno de actividades (CA) listening worksheet, p. 92. CP work p.7

viernes- Unit 1 review, p.p. 28/29 (turn in as HW grade) TAREA: finish review, if not finished, and study chapter vocabulary/concepts for test next week(probably middle of the week somewhere).

** Plans may be altered as needed.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

grado 8: el 8/10 al 12/10

lunes- Review from last week.  Go over "ser" worksheet together.  More practice with pronouns.  Light quiz on pronouns Wednesday.  TAREA: study for a quiz on pronouns Wednesday

martes- Class does not meet.  MEAP

miércoles- Class meets in afternoon.  SMALL QUIZ on pronouns. Re-do book activities on p. 34. Ser de + infinitive.

jueves- Class does not meet. MEAP

viernes- Ser de + infinitive. Saying what people like to do. TAREA: Study for small quiz on "ser" Tuesday

**This is my best understanding of the MEAP schedule this week ;).  I'll edit/change plans where necessary if I wind up having fudged!

grado 7: el 8/10 al 12/10

lunes- Talking about what you need.  Speaking activity.

martes- 7th hr meets; 2nd does not.  Talk about "hay" and forming questions.  Write a small paragraph about what things are in our classroom(hod on to it so we can edit it later).

miércoles- 2nd hr meets; 7th does not. Talk about "hay" and forming questions. Write a small paragraph about what things are in our classroom(hod on to it so we can edit it later).

jueves- 7th hr meets; 2nd does not. Gender of nouns and articles.  Define "gender," "noun," & "article." Worksheets.

viernes- 2nd hr: Gender of nouns and articles. Define "gender," "noun," & "article." Worksheets. 7th hr: Finish articles worksheets/do extra vocab practice.

**This is my best understanding of the MEAP schedule for this week ;)!  I will change/edit anything as necessary if my understanding changes!

español I: el 8/10 al 12/10

lunes- Review subject pronouns.  Subject pronouns worksheets/practice. CP p. 5, act 1 only.

martes- Finish anything not finished yesterday.  Fill out critical vocab sheet with some definitions.  Focus on definitions of "infinitive" and "conjugate." Introduce the verb "ser."

miércoles- Class does not meet. MEAP

jueves- Review "ser" & practice. Book activities.  Study/practice nouns for quiz tomorrow.  TAREA: study for quiz on nouns/"sustantivos" from p. 38

viernes- QUIZ on nouns from p. 38.  Question/Interrogative words with "ser."

** This is my best understanding of the MEAP schedule for this week ;)!  If my understanding changes, I will be sure to update/change plans accordingly! Thanks!

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

grado 7: Unidad 3 "La sala de clase," tarjetas de flash

grado 8: el 1/10 al 5/10

lunes- Check flashcard hw. Talk about formal vs. informal & add to critical vocab sheets.  Intro subject pronouns & practice song.

martes- Continue with subject  pronouns.  Worksheet practice.  TAREA: CMP p. 13 only

miércoles- Check hw.  Notes on verbs, infinitives, conjugating, & verb "ser." Manos en la cabeza game/vocab practice.  TAREA: study for quiz tomorrow (p. 45)

jueves- Vocab QUIZ on people, professions, & places. Review "ser." Do CMP p. 14.  TAREA: finish CMP p. 14 for hw

viernes- More work with "ser" & pronouns. Book activities. Will have a quiz early next week on pronouns & another on ser.

** Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 1/10 al 5/10

lunes- Intro Unit 3 vocab, la sala de clase.  Talk about cognates versus false-cognates.

martes- Vocab work.  Fill out flashcards & practice.

miércoles- Saying what you need for classes.  Worksheet. Manos en la cabeza game.

jueves- 7th grade at Art Prize.  TAREA: study vocab for quiz tomorrow

viernes- QUIZ on 1st 15 vocab words. Speaking activity asking about what is needed.

**Plans may be edited as needed.

español I: el 1/10 al 5/10

lunes- Work on skits. Memorize. Will present Thursday.  TAREA: read article "Rebelling Against Spain, This Time With Words."

martes- Daily work will be summarizing what you read for hw. Review nouns, articles, & numbers.  Asking "whose?" and "how many?"  Book activities. 

miércoles- Computer lab.  Supersite work. Extra time available to work with your groups on practicing skits.

jueves- Present skits/skits due for quiz grade.

viernes- Finish any skits still not completed. Grammar lesson 1.3, subject pronouns. TAREA: study "sustantivos" column from p. 38 for a quiz next week (latter end).

**Plans may be altered as needed.