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Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

grado 7: el 10/12 al 14/12

lunes- Binder due. Review Spanish-speaking countries.  Unit 1 goals sheet. Introduce useful classroom phrases & pronounce.  Intro accent mark & tilde.

martes- In partners, draw a picture to represent the useful phrase you were given.  Add accent mark & tilde to critical vocab. Useful phrases practice.  1/2 sheet useful phrases practice.

miércoles- Comic strip practice in groups.  Begin comic strip assignment alone. TAREA: don't forget to bring in your Spanish print media for tomorrow!

jueves- Spanish print media due. Review for test(useful phrases section will be matching). Work on comic strip & finish.  TAREA: Finish comic strip if not done, but should have finished in class. Study for test on Unit 1: introduction  

viernes- Turn in comic strips.  Unit 1 TEST.
**Plans may be altered as needed.

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