
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

grado 8: el 3/12 al 7/12

lunes- Seating. Course info.  Classroom procedures.  Final presentation info.  TAREA: Parent/guardian signature sheet due Wednesday.

martes- Continue discussion of final presentation.  Classroom procedures. Hand out text books.  Start "get to know your textbook sheet."

miércoles- Signature sheet due. Finish worksheet. Asking for names.

jueves- Why Spanish? Which countries speak Spanish? Pre-test(based on cumulative project). TAREA: find a printed material to bring in that is in Spanish for next Thursday (could be instructions, leaflet, newspaper, menu, etc. etc.).

viernes- Social contract. Start etapa preliminar.

**Plans may be changed where needed.

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