
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

grado 8: el 17/12 al 21/12

lunes- Review concepts from last week. Practice alphabet.  Numbers 0-10.  Asking for a phone number.

martes-  Numbers practice. Speaking activity.  Days of the week. Book activities.

miércoles- Useful phrases practice.

jueves- Review.  I would really like to get the test out of the way tomorrow...but we'll need to discuss this to see if we'll all be present.

viernes-  Etapa Preliminar Test (tentatively set) & cultural activities.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 17/12 al 21/12

lunes- Review. TEST on Unit 1.

martes- Start basic conversations, Unit 2.  Practice convos.

miércoles- Formal versus familiar.  Conversations practice.

jueves- Flashcards & convos practice.

viernes- Cultural activities.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 17/12 al 21/12

lunes- QUIZ on verbs.  Review forming questions.  Interrogative words.

martes- Review interrogative words.  More practice.  Start the present tense of "estar," if time.

miércoles- Cultural activities.  Don't forget to bring something to share for our fiesta!

jueves- ¡Fiesta!

viernes- Cultural & craft activities.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

grado 7: tarjetas de flash, unidad 1

grado 8: el 10/12 al 14/12

lunes- Review asking names & add different ways to say pleased to meet you.  CMP p. 1/2.  TAREA: finish cuaderno de más práctica (CMP) p. 1/2

martes- Countries song. Asking where someone is from.  Notes. Practice.

miércoles- Asking where he/she is from.  Book activities.  Speaking activity.  TAREA: don't forget to bring in your Spanish print media for tomorrow!  Also, study for vocab quiz!

jueves- Spanish print media due. Vocab QUIZ.  Intro Spanish alphabet.

viernes- Alphabet.  Las vocales (vowels).  Spelling your name.  Speaking/listening activities, if time.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 10/12 al 14/12

lunes- Binder due. Review Spanish-speaking countries.  Unit 1 goals sheet. Introduce useful classroom phrases & pronounce.  Intro accent mark & tilde.

martes- In partners, draw a picture to represent the useful phrase you were given.  Add accent mark & tilde to critical vocab. Useful phrases practice.  1/2 sheet useful phrases practice.

miércoles- Comic strip practice in groups.  Begin comic strip assignment alone. TAREA: don't forget to bring in your Spanish print media for tomorrow!

jueves- Spanish print media due. Review for test(useful phrases section will be matching). Work on comic strip & finish.  TAREA: Finish comic strip if not done, but should have finished in class. Study for test on Unit 1: introduction  

viernes- Turn in comic strips.  Unit 1 TEST.
**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 10/12 al 14/12

lunes- Sentence hw due.  Share some favorites. Verb review.  More sentence practice. Flashcards.

martes- Study verbs. The verb "gustar." Book activities. CP p. 14

miércoles- Forming questions in Spanish & interrogative words. Activities. Study verbs.

jueves- Finish any activities from yesterday. CPp. 15/16. TAREA: study for quiz on verbs

viernes- Verbs Quiz.  Present tense of "estar." Rima de dirección, if time.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

grado 8: el 3/12 al 7/12

lunes- Seating. Course info.  Classroom procedures.  Final presentation info.  TAREA: Parent/guardian signature sheet due Wednesday.

martes- Continue discussion of final presentation.  Classroom procedures. Hand out text books.  Start "get to know your textbook sheet."

miércoles- Signature sheet due. Finish worksheet. Asking for names.

jueves- Why Spanish? Which countries speak Spanish? Pre-test(based on cumulative project). TAREA: find a printed material to bring in that is in Spanish for next Thursday (could be instructions, leaflet, newspaper, menu, etc. etc.).

viernes- Social contract. Start etapa preliminar.

**Plans may be changed where needed.

grado 7: el 3/12 al 7/12

lunes- Seating, course syllabus, classroom procedure.  TAREA: Parent signature sheet due Wednesday. 3-ring binder due Monday.

martes- More classroom procedures and asking for someone's name.

miércoles- Signature sheet due.  Asking for names and name game.

jueves- Pre-assessment.  Why learn another language?  TAREA: Find an example of print media written in Spanish to bring in next Thursday for hw grade (could be a menu, instructions, newspaper etc. etc.) 

viernes- Which countries speak Spanish?  Spanish-speaking countries song. TAREA: 3-ring binder due by Monday (assigned on first day of class)

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 3/12 al 7/12

lunes- Vocab quiz.  Review vocales. Listen to Spanish broadcast.  Listening activity.  Preview common ar verbs, focusing on pronunciation. 

martes- Verbs & infinitives.  Read "La oscuridad" & identify infinitives. 

miércoles- Conjugating.  Profesor Gomez video. Present tense of AR verbs. TAREA: finish verb conjugation practice 

jueves- Check hw. Book activities and worksheet practice.

viernes- Making our own sentences w/AR verbs from p. 53; together, then in group.  TAREA: finish sentences on your own for Monday.

**Plans may be altered as needed.