
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

grado 8: el 12/11 al 16/11

lunes- Check chapter review hw & go over.  Introduce final project/presentation (all requirements were distributed during the first two days of class).  TAREA:  make sure your final presentation outline sheet is already filled-out to make your work go faster tomorrow

martes- Computer lab to make PowerPoints to go along with presentations.  Sign up for a presentation day(either 11/26 or 11/27) Parent-teacher conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- Computer lab.
jueves- Computer lab.

viernes- Computer lab.  Goal is to be finished with PowerPoint and to be practicing your presentation to others.  Make sure to time yourself!

**Plans may be altered as needed.

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