
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

grado 7: el 5/11 al 9/11

lunes- Sub(Sra. Harris away at PD). Distribute new vocab sheets.  Watch "Me gusta" video.  Complete "colores" and "verbos" wordsearches.

martes- Fill out verbs flashcards and practice with a partner. Color "colors fun sheet." Fill out bottom of vocab sheet marked "práctica con el vocabulario."

miércoles- Mercado activity (from Unit 4). Review from Unit 4. TAREA: study for TEST tomorrow.

jueves- TEST on Unit 4: alphabet & numbers. Student-led conferences from 4-6:30

viernes- Expressing likes and dislikes. (FIESTA for 7th hour)

**Plans may be altered as needed.

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