
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

grado 8: el 26/11 al 30/11

lunes- Play games with chapter 1-1 vocab.  Practice for presentations.

martes- Final presentations.

miércoles- Final presentations.

jueves- Finish movie.

viernes- Tie-up loose ends.  End of tri activities.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 26/11 al 30/11

lunes- Start the movie "Selena"

martes- Presentations and Selena.

miércoles- Presentations and Selena.

jueves- Finish Selena movie.

viernes- Tie-up loose ends.  Selena activities.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 26/11 al 30/11

lunes- Book activities from Unit 1-2.

martes- Check work from yesterday. Vocab review.  Saying "on" a specific day and saying which classes you take.

miércoles- Review.  Speaking activity.  Short video & comprehension questions.  Start Spanish vowels.

jueves- Vowels.  Listen to a broadcast from Spain. Listening & pronunciation practice activities. TAREA: study vocab for quiz tomorrow

viernes- Vocab quiz. Finish movie from last week.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

grado 8: el 19/11 al 20/11

lunes- Practice presenting final presentation to 6 people and tie up any loose ends.

martes- Watch "La misma luna" with subtitles.  Don't forget that presentations are on 11/27 and 11/28!  You MUST present on the day you signed up for, so be ready!

miércoles-jueves- no hay escuela. ¡Feliz día de la acción de gracias!

grado 7: el 19/11 al 20/11

lunes- computer lab working on presentations

martes- computer lab working on presentations.  Don't forget that presentations will be on 11/27 and 11/28!  You need to present on the day you signed up for, please!

miércoles-jueves- no hay escuela. ¡Feliz día de la acción de gracias!

español I: el 19/11 al 20/11

lunes- Check out each other's country projects and fill-out the "what you learned" facts sheets about the Spanish-speaking countries

martes- Watch "La misma luna" with subtitles

miércoles-jueves- no hay escuela.  ¡Feliz día de la acción de gracias!

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

grado 7: presentaciones

Check out the Prezi and Glogster websites to see sample presentations from others under the 7th grade "recursos" tab to the right, or click on the links below.  I have Glogster accounts created for any students that choose Glogster; so, see me before starting.  If you choose Prezi, you will want to create your own free account.  PowerPoint is also an option, although I would encourage you to try something new!

You will sign up for presentations on either Tuesday, 11/27, or Wednesday, 11/28.  We will be in the computer lab, working on these on 11/15, 11/16, 11/19, 11/20, and will tentatively schedule some time on 11/26 if really needed by those who do NOT have internet/computer access at home.

If you choose a Prezi or Glogster, don't forget to e mail me a link to your presentation by 5pm on 11/26 to

This will allow me to put all of the links into a doc that we can smoothly access for presentations in class.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

grado 8: el 12/11 al 16/11

lunes- Check chapter review hw & go over.  Introduce final project/presentation (all requirements were distributed during the first two days of class).  TAREA:  make sure your final presentation outline sheet is already filled-out to make your work go faster tomorrow

martes- Computer lab to make PowerPoints to go along with presentations.  Sign up for a presentation day(either 11/26 or 11/27) Parent-teacher conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- Computer lab.
jueves- Computer lab.

viernes- Computer lab.  Goal is to be finished with PowerPoint and to be practicing your presentation to others.  Make sure to time yourself!

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 12/11 al 16/11

lunes- Review colors. Practice verbs and asking what someone else likes to do.

martes- Verbs/colors practice worksheet.  Speaking activity. Parent-teacher conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- Saying what he/she likes to do. Speaking activity. Introduce GLOGSTER project/presentation.  All students will be given an assigned login/password to

jueves- Work on final project/presentation in computer lab.
viernes- Work on final presentation in computer lab.  We will have Monday & Tuesday in the lab as well.  Plan on completing any other work on this project/presentation independently. 

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 12/11 al 16/11

lunes- Review some concepts from Unit 1.  Go over chapter goals/objectives for Unit 2.  Introduce some  vocab and do book activities.

martes- Continue with Unit 2. Classroom/school vocabulary and memory activities.  Worksheet.
Parent-teacher conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- Book activities from Unit 2. Days of the week and saying dates. CP p. 11/12

jueves- Show some study-abroad pics. Time to finish up any last-mintue little bits/pieces of country project.

viernes- Study-Abroad Fair in media center.  All projects can be delivered here starting on Thursday, 11/15.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

grado 8: el 5/11 al 9/11

lunes- Sub (Sra. Harris at PD). Copy notes.  Do CMP p. 21/22. TAREA: start studying clothing vocab for quiz on Friday.

martes- Sub (Sra. Harris at PD). Correct CMP p. 21/22 if not done already.  Write paragraphs about photos given.  Check with two friends & make any corrections needed.  Study clothing vocab.

miércoles- Review.  Saying what someone is wearing. Describe what classmates are wearing.  Correct photo descriptions.

jueves- Review. TAREA: study clothing vocab. Student-led conferences from 4-6:30

viernes-  QUIZ on clothing vocab. Review.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 5/11 al 9/11

lunes- Sub(Sra. Harris away at PD). Distribute new vocab sheets.  Watch "Me gusta" video.  Complete "colores" and "verbos" wordsearches.

martes- Fill out verbs flashcards and practice with a partner. Color "colors fun sheet." Fill out bottom of vocab sheet marked "práctica con el vocabulario."

miércoles- Mercado activity (from Unit 4). Review from Unit 4. TAREA: study for TEST tomorrow.

jueves- TEST on Unit 4: alphabet & numbers. Student-led conferences from 4-6:30

viernes- Expressing likes and dislikes. (FIESTA for 7th hour)

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 5/11 al 9/11

lunes- Double-bubble map from Day of the Dead article due.  Sub (Sra. Harris at PD). Computer lab for country project research.

martes- Sub (Sra. Harris at PD). Computer lab for research.

miércoles- Computer lab.

jueves- Computer lab. Student-led conferences from 4-6:30

viernes- Computer lab. TAREA: Gauge how far you are on your project.  We are not planning any more time in the computer lab at this point.  Please plan to have projects completed for Friday, November 16th.

**Plans may be altered as needed.