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Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

grado 7: el 10/9 al14/9

lunes- Binders due. Spanish-speaking countries song. Spread of Spanish. Map shading.

martes- Countries song. Useful classroom phrases. Accent marks, tildes & punctuation.

miércoles- Countries song. Useful phrases fill-in. Useful phrases comic strip in partners. TAREA: make your own comic strip with useful phrases; due Friday!

jueves- Countries song. Reading activity(highlight accents, tildes & look for cognates). Intro cognates.

viernes- Re-cap/define some critical vocab. Review unit goals/essential questions. Time to study & review. TAREA: Study for Unit 1 test on Monday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

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