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Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

español I: el 24/9 al 28/9

lunes- Quick review. Vocab QUIZ.  Review nouns, articles, & pluralizing from last week.  Go over CP p. 3 together & ask questions.  p. 15, #s 1 & 2  TAREA: finish p. 15, activities 1 & 2 if not finished

martes- Go over p. 15 from yesterday. Hand out useful classroom phrases sheet & practice pronouncing 1st in groups, then as a class.  Watch professor Gomez on grammar lesson 1.2, numbers 0-30, then practice & discuss together.  Add to notes. Do inténtalo.  Bring headphones/mics for tomorrow!

miércoles- Supersite work involving numbers

jueves- Speaking practice all hour.  Forming conversations.  TAREA:  read article "Rebelling against Spain, this time with words."  Be ready to discuss for Monday.

viernes- No escuela

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