
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

grado 8: el 24/9 al 28/9

lunes- Finish chapter review & study/practice for test tomorrow.  TAREA: Vocab review assignment/study for Etapa preliminar test

martes- Vocab review assignment due. Quick review.  Etapa preliminar TEST.

miércoles- Goals for Unidad 1-1. Talk a little bit about miami & read convos A,D,F on p.p. 26/27.  Start making drawings for Unit flashcards given. Complete set due Mon.

jueves- Read movie script on p.p. 28/29. P. 30 #3 & p. 31 #4.  Work on flashcards. TAREA: finish vocab flashcards for Mon.

viernes- No escuela.

grado 7: el 24/9 al 28/9

lunes- Speaking practice due.  Review formal vs. informal & put on critical vocab sheets.  Review big ideas & essential questions. Use flashcards to form a conversation that makes sense.  Convo practice.

martes- Write down a conversation w/a partner & memorize.  Present skits.

miércoles- Review for test & study. TAREA: study for test tomorrow

jueves- Unit 2 TEST

viernes- No escuela.

español I: el 24/9 al 28/9

lunes- Quick review. Vocab QUIZ.  Review nouns, articles, & pluralizing from last week.  Go over CP p. 3 together & ask questions.  p. 15, #s 1 & 2  TAREA: finish p. 15, activities 1 & 2 if not finished

martes- Go over p. 15 from yesterday. Hand out useful classroom phrases sheet & practice pronouncing 1st in groups, then as a class.  Watch professor Gomez on grammar lesson 1.2, numbers 0-30, then practice & discuss together.  Add to notes. Do inténtalo.  Bring headphones/mics for tomorrow!

miércoles- Supersite work involving numbers

jueves- Speaking practice all hour.  Forming conversations.  TAREA:  read article "Rebelling against Spain, this time with words."  Be ready to discuss for Monday.

viernes- No escuela

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

grado 8: el 17/9 al 21/9

lunes- Comic strips due. Vocab quiz. Spanish alphabet. Vowels. Accent marks & tildes. Spelling your name & asking for another's.

martes- Alphabet song. Spelling your name & asking for another's. Speaking activity. Numbers & days of the week.

miércoles- Numbers & dow. CMP p. 6. Useful classroom phrases.

jueves- Chapter review. Review.

viernes- Review & prepare for test. TAREA: Study for Etapa preliminar test Monday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 17/9 al 21/9

lunes- Your own comic strip due. Critical vocab sheet definitions of accent mark & cognate. Review for test tomorrow. TAREA: study for test on Unit 1
martes- Test on Unit 1. Intro basic conversations big ideas/questions & vocab.
miércoles- Intro more vocab. Practice. Fill out vocab flashcards.
jueves- Formal vs. informal. Convo fill-in. Conversation practice. TAREA: home speaking practice due Mon.
viernes- Conversaciones worksheet. Study vocab. Manos en la cabeza game. TAREA: study vocabulary sheet over the weekend to be ready to test around Tues or Wed

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 17/9 al 21/9

lunes- VOCAB QUIZ. Social contract. Review. Todos a bordo video. Partner maps. TAREA: Colored map fill-in due Tues

martes- Maps due. Spanish alphabet, vowels, pronunciation. Reading practice. TAREA: read p.p. 10 & 11 & answer do p. 10, activity 1.

miércoles- Computer lab. Supersite work. (study presentaciones vocab for quiz Mon.)

jueves- Discuss hw from Tues. Sr. Gomez tutorial. Notes on 1.1, nouns & articles. Inténtalo. p. 15, #s 1 & 2

viernes- Cuaderno de práctica (CP)p. 3. Useful classroom phrases. TAREA: quiz on presentaciones vocab for quiz Mon.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 8: ejemplo de una conversación básica

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

All classes(todas clases)

With my sick day yesterday, we are running about a day behind. You will be informed in each class whether or not this affects any vocab quizzes etc.

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

grado 8: el 10/9 al 14/9

lunes- Review asking names & introducing Spanish names. Go over Cuaderno de más práctica (CMP) activities 1 & 2 from Friday. Spanish-speaking countries & song. Asking where someone is from.

martes- Countries song. Map fill-in. Asking where someone is from. Speaking activity.

miércoles- Countries song. Asking where he/she is from. P. 9, #8. CMP p. 3/4.

jueves- Partner map. Draw comic strip using basic conversations & vocab from p. 21. TAREA: Finish comic strip & study for vocab quiz tomorrow on greetings, introducing yourself, & saying where you ar from (p. 21)

viernes- Vocab quiz. Spanish alphabet. Vowels. Spelling your name & asking for another's. Continue to look at/study vocab over the weekend.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 10/9 al14/9

lunes- Binders due. Spanish-speaking countries song. Spread of Spanish. Map shading.

martes- Countries song. Useful classroom phrases. Accent marks, tildes & punctuation.

miércoles- Countries song. Useful phrases fill-in. Useful phrases comic strip in partners. TAREA: make your own comic strip with useful phrases; due Friday!

jueves- Countries song. Reading activity(highlight accents, tildes & look for cognates). Intro cognates.

viernes- Re-cap/define some critical vocab. Review unit goals/essential questions. Time to study & review. TAREA: Study for Unit 1 test on Monday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

español I: el 10/9 al 14/9

lunes- Absent Moday. Study chapter vocab & preview chapter.

martes- Vocab check. Spanish-speaking countries. Spread of Spanish. TAREA: Bring headsets(audio w/mic), if you have them, or at least ear buds!!! Headsets are less than $10 at Walmart, if you can swing it, & are a great investment for future use with the online resources we have.

miércoles- Library to use VHL site & do online activities.

jueves- Encuentros video. Saludos, despedidas y ¿cómo está? Listening activity p. 4, #1. Partner activities from book.

viernes- Cuaderno de práctica (CP)p. 1/2. Tú vs. usted. Speaking practice. Start map fill-in. TAREA: Map fill-in due Tues. Study for vocab quiz Mon. from p. 38 saludos, despedidas, ¿Cómo está?

**Plans may be altered as needed.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

HISPANIC FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND!! Sep 7 & 8! See article below

Welcome to the 2012 Hispanic Festival! September 7th and 8th

To promote an understanding of diversity and to increase awareness of the rich and diverse cultures within the Hispanic community while raising funds to enhance the programs and services provided by the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan.
In 2009, the Hispanic Festival hosted approximately 100,000 visitors who celebrated the cultural heritage of the Hispanic community through entertainment, food, art and products from Latin, Central and South America.
As the Hispanic population of Western Michigan grows, it is vital that the larger community enjoy fellowship together in a time of cultural enrichment and awareness in order to bridge the gap between segments of the population. The Festival is popular because it affords sponsors and business leaders the opportunity to reach a growing Hispanic market with direct contact to consumers, while at the same time providing a context for the broader community to experience Hispanic culture at its best.
The Festival attracts attendees from across the state, local Hispanic business owners, as well as artists and performers from 20 different Latin American countries. The Festival also appeals to the larger community by displaying the many positive contributions the Hispanic population makes to benefit Western Michigan.
Please Consider These Facts:
• The purchasing power of Hispanics is currently at $700 billion, making that market a critical area for businesses and corporations to expand services and marketing.
• Immigrants add approximately $10 billion each year to the U.S. economy.
• In Michigan, Hispanics own over 1 million businesses, mostly owned by Latinas or female Hispanics and employ over 1.4 million people.
• Agricultural businesses have the highest Latino representation, followed by construction, manufacturing and technology.
• The Hispanic community fosters the growth and prosperity of the city of Grand Rapids by purchasing and owning homes, revitalizing neighborhoods and investing in local businesses.
As these facts demonstrate, the growing Hispanic community is one that is in need of services and goods from local businesses. Also, the Hispanic population enhances the broader community through the goods and services it supplies.
The Hispanic Festival is the primary annual fundraiser for the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan and the largest Hispanic Festival in the state. We hope you will join us this year as a Sponsor and participant on September 7th & 8th at the Calder Plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
For more information:
Martha Gonzalez-Cortes- CEO
(616) 742-0200 or

For more information on the Hispanic Center visit