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Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

español I: el 4/2 al 8/2

lunes- Vocab work. Do circumlocution activity p. 79 #4. Check p. 79 #3. Listening activity with video "¿eres tú mi mamá?" Start hw.  TAREA: CP 23/24 worksheet due Wednesday(all)

martes- Book activities.  Book video and activity.  Work on hw.  TAREA: finish CP p. 23/24

miércoles-  Start grammar 3.1 and notes.  TAREA: read pages 86/87 and do activities 1 and 2

jueves- Check hw. Continue 3.1 and practice.  TAREA: study for vocab quiz

viernes- VOCAB QUIZ on family.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

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