
Datos personales

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Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

grado 8: el 25/2 al 1/3

lunes- QUIZ on clothing vocab.  Start working on final presentations.  Fill out outline and map any ideas.  Sign up for presentation days.

martes- Computer lab. Conferences from 4-6:30

miércoles-Work on presentations.

jueves- Computer lab.

viernes- Computer lab.  TAREA: finish any part of project/presentation not finished.

grado 7: el 25/2 al 1/3

lunes- Intro family vocab.  Will not have independent assessment; will be tied into final presentation.  Talk about how this vocab will be incorporated into final.

martes- Family vocab and explain final presentations. Sign up for presentation day. Conferences from 4-6:30

miércoles- Family vocab. Work on presentations.

jueves- Family vocab activities.  Work on final presentations.

viernes- Work on final presentations.  TAREA: finish final presentation work in prep for next week

español I: el 25/2 al 1/3

lunes- QUIZ on descriptive adjectives.  Work on speaking test pre-write.

martes- Review possessive adjectives.  3.3 present tense of -er and -ir verbs and activities. Conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- Prepare for speaking test (computers available).

jueves- Prepare for speaking test (computers available).

viernes- Er and -IR verbs activities (cuaderno de práctica).  TAREA: prepare/practice speaking test for Monday.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

grado 8: el 18/2 al 22/2

lunes- Notes on saying what you "have" and describing people. CP p. 22, #15 and p. 24 #21.

martes-  Vocabulary practice/review activity. Start chapter review.  TAREA: Some students will re-do description hw from last week for tomorrow.
Conferences from 4-6:30

miércoles- Re-done hw due. Review course content thus-far.  Review conversational pieces to previous lessons.

jueves- Re-introduce final presentation and expectations.

viernes- No escuela.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 18/2 al 22/2

lunes- Vocab QUIZ on verbs/activities.  Review from last week.  Present your partners/interviews.

martes- Review for test. Vocab games and practice. TAREA: study for test.
Conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- TEST on Unit 4: likes and dislikes. 

jueves- Introduce Unit 5: la familia.

viernes- No escuela.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 18/2 al 22/2

lunes- Description hw due. Talk about Rangeela field trip and collect permission slips/money.  Learn differences between buen/o/a mal/o/a. Practice activities.  Catch phrase with descriptive adjectives. TAREA: finish hw assigned last week CP p. 25/26

martes- CP p. 25/26 due.  Correct.  Review. 3.2 Possessive adjectives and practice activities. Conferences from 4-6:30.

miércoles- More practice activities with possessive adjectives and descriptive adjectives.  Introduce speaking test pre-write and requirements.  TAREA: stud vocab for vocab quiz on adjectives (excluding nationality) tomorrow

jueves- QUIZ vocab, adjectives.  Work on speaking test pre-write.

viernes- No escuela.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

grado 8: el 13/2 al 15/2

miércoles- Notes on saying what someone is wearing and practice. TAREA: Finish a drawing and description of yourself(what you are wearing) and someone else for Friday. Needs to include some color.

jueves- Book activities practicing saying what one is wearing.  Work on hw.

viernes- HW due. Notes on asking how(personality etc) someone is and describing others.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 13/2 al 15/2

miércoles- Activities/verbs review.  Manos en la cabeza game. Practice worksheet. TAREA: verbs wordsearch

jueves- Verbs wordsearch due. Basic convos review. Vocab review. Speaking activity. Explain when to use me gusta versus me gustan.

viernes- Vocab/verbs activity. Expressing that he/she likes something. Partner interview.  TAREA: study for quiz on verbs Monday.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 13/2 al 15/2

miércoles- Family vocab QUIZ.  Have media center checked out for practice with descriptive adjectives and family vocab review. Reading assignment from before all the snow days due tomorrow, if not yet finished.

jueves- Descriptive adjectives practice (vocab). Model descriptions. Describe yourself and a group of two or more people (due Monday). 

viernes- Adjectives of nationality. Descriptive adjectives practice CP p. 25/26. Speaking activity.  TAREA: Finish drawing/descriptions for Monday.  Should be studying descriptive adjective vocab for quiz next week. Finish CP p. 25/26 for Tuesday.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

español I: hw

We had to move the hw that was goind to be assigned on Wednesday to Thursday(today).  So, please plan on having the following assignment done by MONDAY:
TAREA: read pages 86/87 and do activities 1 and 2

Also, don't forget that your family vocab quiz is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday.

Gracias :)

grado 7: activities and verbs flashcards

grado 7: los colores

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

grado 8: el 4/2 al 8/2

lunes- Vocab pictionary. Describing yourself and others. 20 questions.

martes- Definite/Indefinite articles and gender.  Articles practice. TAREA: CMP p. 21/22, activities 11 and 13 only

miércoles- Articles, adjectives, gender and number.  Book practice.  TAREA: study for quiz on appearance vocab tomorrow

jueves- QUIZ on appearance vocab.  Clothing vocab.

viernes- Saying what someone is wearing.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 4/2 al 8/2

lunes- Discuss open-air markets.  Market bargaining activity and useful phrases.  TAREA: study for test tomorrow on alphabet and numbers (will be a matching section on market vocab)

martes- TEST on Unit 3: alphabet and numbers

miércoles- Start Unit 4: expressing likes and dislikes.  Go over unit goals and introduce vocab, including colors.  Watch "me gusta" movie.  TAREA: do colors wordsearch for Friday

jueves- Practice with expressing likes and introduce verb vocab.

viernes- Turn in wordsearch. Practice with verbs vocab.  Speaking practice.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 4/2 al 8/2

lunes- Vocab work. Do circumlocution activity p. 79 #4. Check p. 79 #3. Listening activity with video "¿eres tú mi mamá?" Start hw.  TAREA: CP 23/24 worksheet due Wednesday(all)

martes- Book activities.  Book video and activity.  Work on hw.  TAREA: finish CP p. 23/24

miércoles-  Start grammar 3.1 and notes.  TAREA: read pages 86/87 and do activities 1 and 2

jueves- Check hw. Continue 3.1 and practice.  TAREA: study for vocab quiz

viernes- VOCAB QUIZ on family.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: video