
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

grado 8: el 3/6 al 6/6

lunes- Last day for 8th grade! Tie up any loose ends...

martes- 8th grade graduation

miércoles- NA


grado 7: el 3/6 al 6/6

lunes- Learn Como la flor from Selena.  7th hour has Sparty Cup.

martes- ¡¡FIESTA!!

miércoles-  Learn como la flor from Selena.  Selena packet.

jueves- Selena flower craft. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

español I: el 3/6 al 6/6

lunes- Sparty Cup during class

martes- 8th grade graduation

miércoles- NA


martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

grado 8: el 27/5 al 31/5

lunes- No escuela

martes- La misma luna

miércoles- Finish la misma luna.  Turn in books.

jueves- ¡FIESTA!

viernes- MI Adventure

grado 7: el 27/5 al 31/5

lunes- No escuela

martes- Final presentations. Start Selena movie

miércoles- Final presentations. Selena

jueves- Selena

viernes- Finish Selena, if not finished. Movie discussion. 

español I: el 27/5 al 31/5

lunes- No escuela

martes- Final Presentations

miércoles- Final Presentations.  Turn in books with extra time.

jueves- Final Presentations.  Turn in books with extra time.

viernes- MI Adventure

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

grado 8: el 20/5 al 24/5

lunes- Finish preparing final presentation.  TAREA: come to class with just about everything done.  Be ready to present an almost finished product for peer review.

martes- Give peers feedback on any final touches to presentations.

miércoles- Final Presentations

jueves- Final Presentations

viernes- 8th grade Unity Games; no class

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 20/5 al 24/5

lunes- Review terms.  20 questions

martes- Intro final presentation and work on preparing

miércoles- Work on final presentation

jueves- Work on final presentation

viernes- Work on final presentation   TAREA:  make sure presentation is ready to  present next week, starting Tuesday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 20/5 al 24/5

lunes- Intro speaking part of Final and prepare.

martes- Work on preparing speaking part of final. TAREA: review notes etc and continue preparing speaking part of final

miércoles- Multiple choice section of FINAL EXAM.

jueves- Students encouraged to come to class early with lunch for any extra time needed for Final.  Writing section of FINAL EXAM.

viernes- 8th grade Unity Games; no class

**Plans may be altered as needed.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

grado 8: el 13/5 al 17/5

lunes- Turn in drawing/description assignment from last week and chapter review.  Go over review.  Go over final presentation expectations(given 2nd day of class as well) and show example.

martes- Work on final presentation.  Goal is to finish outline.

miércoles- Final presentation work.  Goal is to have 3 peers check and start memorizing.

jueves- Final presentation work. Goal is to obtain/make pictures/slides to go along with your

viernes- Practice presentations.  TAREA:  Work on presentations. We will start presenting next week(probably Wednesday)

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 13/5 al 17/5

lunes- Gusta vs gustan.  Review for test.  TAREA: study for test tomorrow

martes- TEST on Unit 4: likes and dislikes

miércoles- Unit 5: describing self and family

jueves- Unit 5 vocab practice

viernes- Unit 5 vocab practice

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 12/5 al 17/5

lunes- Review Unit 2

martes- Finish Unit 2 review and review unit 3

miércoles- Practice restaurant vocab and speaking


viernes- Go over Final Exam speaking requirements. Watch examples. TAREA: work on preparing for oral part of final exam

**Plans may be altered as needed.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

grado 7: el 6/5 al 10/5

lunes- Colors review.  Activities vocab game.

martes- Asking what someone likes to do. Practice sheet. Vocab practice.

miércoles- Speaking practice asking others' likes. Expressing what others like to do.

jueves- Interview practice activity.  TAREA: study for vocab quiz on activities vocab

viernes- QUIZ on activities vocab. Me gusta vs. me gustan.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 8: el 6/5 al 10/5

lunes- Review last week's concepts. Practice sheet. Vocabulary activity/review.

martes- Review printed notes. Saying what someone is wearing. Practice activities.

miércoles- Putting it all together. Describing self and others. Writing assignment. TAREA: study for vocab quiz

jueves- Vocab quiz on appearance and personality traits.  Work on writing assignment.

viernes- Chapter review.  TAREA: finish writing assignment(due Mon)

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 6/5 al 10/5

lunes- Finish "the most worthy" speaking game

martes- Lección 1 review and exam prep

miércoles- Lección 1 review and exam prep

jueves- Lección 2 review and exam prep

viernes- Lección 2 review and exam prep

**Plans may be altered as needed.