
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

martes, 29 de enero de 2013

grado 8: el 28/1 al 1/2

lunes- No escuela. Día de nieve.

martes- Extra "ser" practice.  Review for test.  Vocab review game.

miércoles-  Independent review practice with review sheet.  Study vocab. TAREA: finish any studying needed

jueves-  TEST Unit 1-1

viernes-  Intro unit 1-2 objectives & vocab

**If we have any other snow days this week, please plan on adjusting the schedule accordingly.

grado 7: el 28/1 al 1/2

lunes- No escuela. Día de nieve ;)

martes- Numbers practice. Bigger numbers. Speaking activity with telephone numbers. TAREA: study for numbers quiz

miércoles- QUIZ numbers 0-15. Money in Spanish-speaking countries.  Money facts & practice.

jueves- Practice with money & numbers.

viernes- El mercado.  Prepare for market activity & practice.

**If we have any other snow days this week, please plan on adjusting the schedule by that number of days.

español I: el 28/1 al 1/2

lunes- No escuela. Día de nieve ;)

martes- Review for test.  Listening section of TEST only. TAREA: finish studying for test tomorrow

miércoles- Finish Unit 2 TEST

jueves- Start Unit 3. Objectives & vocab introduction.

viernes- Unit 3 vocab activities.

**If we have any more snow days this week, please push the schedule back the corresponding number of days.

grado 7: numbers 0-15

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

español I: Test announcement

For all students in Spanish I: We will plan on taking the listening section ONLY of our Unit 2 test Monday.  Since I was pulled out of class for your period on Thursday, I do not think it would be fair to proceed with the other sections without getting your questions answered.
Thanks and happy studying! ;)

grado 7: Alphabet QUIZ

Some of you have still not submitted your Alphabet Oral Quiz, even though it was due by 12:00am this morning.  If you have not yet called to sing or say your Spanish alphabet, please do so. 
The number is: (616) 606-3181

Keep in mind this is not the number to use to reach me.  It is used for recorded oral assessments only.  Thank you!

viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

grado 8: el 21/1 al 25/1

lunes- Vocab QUIZ on Unit 1-1 vocab from p. 45. Expressing likes.  Me gusta video.

martes- Verbs practice & expressing likes.

miércoles- Verbs practice and expressing likes.

jueves- Shortened period. Tying it all together...

viernes- No hay escuela.

**There will probably be a hw night in here somewhere, but it is TBD at this point. 

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 21/1 al 25/1

lunes- Alphabet & more spelling practice. TAREA: alphabet signature sheet due Wednesday

martes- Numbers 0-31. TAREA: practice alphabet for oral quiz tomorrow

miércoles- QUIZ on the Spanish alphabet. Numbers practice.

jueves- Shortened class period. Numbers practice. TAREA: study numbers 0-15 for quiz next week

viernes- No hay escuela.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 21/1 al 25/1

lunes- Listening practice. Sarita Montiel vs. Celia Cruz. Time to work on writing. TAREA: finish writing assigment from last week for tomorrow.

martes- Writing assignment due. Cultural videos.  Review.

miércoles- Review.  Re-do essays, if necessary.

jueves- Shortened class period. Review.  TAREA: study for TEST MONDAY over all of Unit 2

viernes- No hay escuela.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: update

We are a little behind...  You should be practicing your Spanish alphabet this weekend, and don't forget that the alphabet song can be practiced on my blog(here)!
We will plan on an oral quiz next week on your alphabet, so please practice!

español I: update

Don't forget that your writing assignment will be due Tuesday!
You should be studying your unit vocabulary and concepts this weekend, as next week will be mostly review and then on to the unit test!
Don't forget the great resource you have at your fingertips:

grado 8: update

Your vocab quiz from Friday has been moved to Monday, as you know.  The unit's Quizlet flashcards have been added as links under the "Recursos" tab for "grado 8."
From p. 45, the quiz is on the categories: people, professions, places, greeting others, introducing others, saying where you live, and other words and phrases.  Although, since we already did an oral quiz on greeting others, I wouldn't expect a lot from that category ;).
Have a great weekend!

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

grado 8: el 14/1 al 18/1

lunes- Review pronouns and vocabulary.  Define verb, infinitive and conjugate.  Intro "ser." Notes.

martes- Review critical vocab and ser.  Ser + origin. Ser practice activities.  TAREA: study for pronouns quiz

miércoles- Pronouns quiz.  Ser practice.  TAREA: finish ser practice worksheet

jueves- Saying where you live.  Expressing likes and verbs. Vocab practice. TAREA: study for vocab quiz.

viernes- Vocab quiz. Expressing likes and verbs. Writing practice.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 14/1 al 18/1

lunes- Intro Unit 3: el alfabeto y los números.  Focus on las vocales(vowels).

martes- Alphabet practice.

miércoles- Alphabet practice.  Spelling names.

jueves- Alphabet practice.  Asking for names. TAREA: sing or say alphabet signature sheet due Monday.

viernes- Introduce numbers 0-31 & practice.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 14/1 al 18/1

lunes- Review. Speaking practice p. 62, #6.  Numbers 31 and higher. Inténtalo.  TAREA: CP p.p.19/20 due Wednesday.

martes- Book practice p. 65 #1. Speaking practice asking for phone numbers and e mail.

miércoles- CP 19/20 due. Reading practice.

jueves- Listening practice.  Start writing assignment (due Monday).

viernes- Cultural videos and Sarita Montiel vs Celia Cruz. Some time to work on writing. TAREA: Finish writing assignment, if not done already. study for Chapter 2 TEST that will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday next week, depending on our progress

**Plans may be altered as needed

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

grado 7: Unit 2 flashcards

grado 8: el 7/1 al 11/1

lunes- Review.  Begin Etapa 1-1.  Assign and give time to work on vocab flashcards (will be checked on Thursday).

martes- Vocab practice. Formal versus informal.  Book activities.

miércoles- Pronouns & pronoun practice. TAREA: entrance slip pronoun activity

jueves- Pronoun activity entrance slip due. Vocabulary & pronoun practice. 

viernes- Intro "ser."  Book activities.  Ser + de + infinitive. TAREA: study for quiz on pronouns Monday

**Plans may be altered as needed.

grado 7: el 7/1 al 11/1

lunes- Review.  Social contract. Cut out flashcards. TAREA: home speaking practice signatures due Wednesday.

martes- Flashcard activity. Worksheet. Speaking practice.

miércoles- Review. Script assignment. Speaking practice. TAREA: study for test

jueves- Johnny T diversity presentation in gym for all of 2nd hr.  7th hour reviews for test.
viernes- Review. TEST on Unit 2: basic conversatons.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

español I: el 7/1 al 11/1

lunes- Review forming questions, interrogative words, and "estar."  Rima de dirección.

martes- Rima de dirección. Book practice. Cuaderno de práctica page.

miércoles- Rima de dirección. p. 62 #6. Directions practice. TAREA: study for quiz on estar.

jueves- Quiz on "estar." Review.  Numbers 31 and above. Book practice.

viernes- Directions activity.

**Plans may be edited as needed.