
Datos personales

Mi foto
Spanish Teacher, Sparta Middle School

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

español I: el 4/9 al 7/9

lunes- No escuela

martes- Seating. Course info. Classroom procedures. Talk about the Final Exam. Show example speech. TAREA: parent signature sheet due by Thursday.

miércoles- Procedures. Pre-test(based on cumulative final). Read example writing sample in groups & together.

jueves- Signature sheets due. Pass out textbooks. Read pages xv-xxii. TAREA: finish assigned reading for tomorrow, if not finished. Be able to discuss readings.

viernes- Why learn Spanish? Discuss reading. Pick Spanish names. Asking for & giving names. TAREA: start previewing/studying vocab from p. 38, left-hand column. Informal (not for pts) assessment Monday.

**Plans may be altered as needed.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

¡Bienvenido! Welcome!

Welcome to Spanish class!! I'm so excited to start out another year here at Sparta Middle School and meet a lot of new students! :) Please plan on checking or "following" this blog regularly, as you will find weekly lesson plans, additional resources, and even printable documents. ¡Nos vemos!